
True Buddha Diamond Temple of New York

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  1. Who do we make checks out to for this event?

Make checks out to: TBDT (True Buddha Diamond Temple)

Address: 33-32 148th St. Flushing, NY 11354

Website: www.tbdtny.org

Email: info.tbdtny@gmail.com

  1. Where will the ceremony be held? What time? Does the temple have any transportation arrangements?

The ceremony will be at Colden Auditorium Queens College,Reeves Ave., Queens, NY 11367. The starting time is 1:00 PM. However, the auditorium will open at 11:00 AM.
The temple is not able to provide transportation services. Please arrange your own transportation. Participants can also take public buses Q17, Q25, and Q34 to Kissena Blvd, or order car service:

Great China  718-492-8888

Golden Horse 718-762-8888

Lincoln 718-762-3333

Fast and Accurate 212-571-1133

Participants may only enter the auditorium by showing their tickets. After entry, participants will not have in-out privileges. The auditorium does not allow any food. Lunch will not be available.

  1. Where and when will the appreciation dinner be held? Will transportation to the dinner be made available by the temple? Is there a parking lot at the dinner venue?

The dinner will be at the Grand Restaurant, 3rd Fl. 40-21 Main St. Flushing. The reception starts at 6:00 pm. Since the auditorium will not allow re-entry after the empowerment, participants can leave directly for the restaurant after the empowerment. There will be mini-buses available to transport participants from the auditorium to the restaurant. Each bus can seat 20 passengers. Since each bus costs $40, every passenger can just pay the bus driver $2 when getting on the bus. Please register for the ride as soon as possible to allow the temple sufficient time to plan for enough buses. Participants who drive themselves to the restaurant can park at these two nearby parking lots:

  1. Skyview Center Parking Garage, on Roosevelt Ave. & 40th Rd. (BJ Parking Garage)

  2. Flushing #1 Municipal Parking Field, accessed from 37th Ave., Union St., 39th St.

Ceremony buses can park at Booth Memorial Ave. between Kissena & 164th St.

  1. Can participants offer khatas to Grandmaster? How much will they cost?

Yes, they can. Please download registration form here

  1. What empowerment will be bestowed?

The empowerment bestowed will be Golden Mother Principal Deity Practice and the Eight Practices. As the auditorium restricts monetary transactions on the premises, we will set up donation boxes designated for registration and empowerment respectively at the registration booth. Disciples please drop your red envelopes for the empowerment into the empowerment donation box before entering the ceremony hall.

  1. Are volunteers also required to have tickets to enter the auditorium?

Yes. This is the rule of the auditorium. Everyone will need a ticket to enter.

  1. Can participants bring their own offerings into the auditorium? Can participants get Great Compassion Dharani Water from the temple and take it home after the ceremony?

Participants will not be allowed to bring any offerings into the auditorium. The temple will prepare a  set of small but thoughtful offerings for every participant. Feel free to make donations in any amount. If disciples are interested in getting Great Compassion Dharani Water from the ceremony, please pick it up at the temple the next day.