金剛雷藏寺 True Buddha Diamond Temple of New York

主頁 Home | 金剛雷藏寺 Main Temple | 金剛薩埵殿 Vajrasattva's Room | 黃財神殿 Yellow Jambhala Room and Donor Name Lists | 地藏殿 Ksitigarbha's Room | 法會 Ceremony | 時輪金剛 KALACHAKRA 太歲 Tai Suey (Yearly God Registration) | 龍王殿 Dragon King Shrine | 光明燈 BLESSING LIGHT | 報名表 Registration Forms

Registration forms

息災祈福 報名表格 (Purification & Blessing Ceremony Registration Form)

超度報名表格(Bardo Deliverance Ceremony Registration Form)

超度報名表格 往生解冤資糧(Rebirth, Resolving Grievances Supplies Registration Form)

太歲 報名表格(Registration Form for the Protection from the New Year’s Deity ‘Tai Sui’)

謝送太歲 報名表格(Registration Form for the Thankfulness for Protection of the Last Year’s ‘Tai Sui’)

消災延壽延生位 報名表格(Registration Form for the Dedication of Longevity)

光明燈 報名表格(Registration Form for the Yearly Blessing Light)